
2007-05-29 6:51 am
I took a shower already
I had took a shower already

which one is correct?

回答 (5)

2007-05-29 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第一,請搞清楚,有用already/yet/ever等字,不等於句子必須係 present perfect tense。
第二,有答題者話因為有 already ,所以就要用 present perfect,然後用 already 強調事情已完成。情況好似屋企有包發粉,所以要買個焗爐,咁就可以用到包發粉整蛋糕一樣。既然只係強調,咁其實冇左都唔影響意思架喎。
所以兩句中,I took a shower 其實已經可以。I had took a shower 就一定錯,因為有 had 就必然係 past perfect tense,句式係 had + past participle,o係呢句o既情況就會用 taken。
2007-08-08 8:51 am
Absolutely, it very much depends on situation....

sometimes, "I took a shower already" is correct, especially spoken english
2007-05-29 9:02 am
only need to use "simple past tense" to express the action had been done.

I took shower already OR I had a shower already

If you do this action everyday, you could say that "I take shower every day.
參考: me and dictionary
2007-05-29 7:57 am
I had took a shower already is correct.

'I took a shower already' is wrong because as you said 'already', you have to use present or past perfect tense to emphaize the completion of the task.
2007-05-29 6:54 am
I had already taken a shower!

2007-05-28 22:56:20 補充:
THIS ONE BETTER I have taken a shower already.

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