貪 靚 E n g l i s h ~ 唔 該 ~

2007-05-29 2:41 am
我 要 d o Pic . D ,
但 唔 識 . . . . . .
貪 靚 G a E n g l i s h
聴 日 要 交 啦 ~
我 一 定 要 今 晚 9 : 3 0 做 咗 佢 ! !
t H X T H X T H X ! ! ! ! !

回答 (6)

2007-05-29 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's 'beauty consciouse' - just like 'self-consciouse'.
eg - She's a beauty consciouse lady.
Depends on how formal you want it to be.
Hope that helps.
參考: Me
2007-05-29 2:54 am
Usually, people sometime use "aesthete" to say someone love beauty very much. On the other hand, i never heard "貪 靚 " this adjective in english, but you may say somebody's hobby is make up or someone interest in make up. Wish can help.
2007-05-29 2:47 am
love beauty

2007-05-29 2:46 am
Be picky about one's apperance.

Picky - 吹毛求疵的;挑剔的
e.g. She is so much picky about her apperance because she is always trying to be a queen in everyone's eyes.
2007-05-29 2:46 am
愛漂亮的 - buckish
參考: From myself
2007-05-29 2:45 am
LIKE beatiful

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