PLEASE 幫我翻譯呢d用英文.

2007-05-29 2:09 am
當我睇完呢個電影之後.我學到好多野,都係因為billy呢個主角.首先,我學到我地唔可以睇低自己.第2,我地要搵定自己既目標和興趣,x(唔識打)往直前.第三,我地要了解all人的內心.最後我希望d 學生既家長應該同意和鼓勵自己既子女做自己想做既野.

呢個要present計分.唔該幫下我.其實我都諗過.但係d gramma好似錯哂同唔知點講.


d grammer都唔岩既. 仲有冇人幫到我呀-.-


d grammer都唔岩既. 仲有冇人幫到我呀-.當我傻既咩.first都要firstly啦..because唔可以係頭架-


d grammer都唔岩既. 仲有冇人幫到我呀-.當我傻既咩.first都要firstly啦..because唔可以係頭架-仲要is because.離哂普架



回答 (4)

2007-05-29 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案

After I have watched this movie, I learned a lot of things. It is because of Billy who is the main character of the film. Firstly, I have learned that we cannot look down on ourselves. Secondly, we have to find our own goal in life and interests and go forward bravely(勇往直前).Thirdly, we have to understand everyone's heart. Finally I hope school and parents accept and encourage students to do what they want to do.
2007-06-06 3:54 am
Finally there is someone who can translate!And it's a good translation too!
2007-05-29 10:49 pm
當我睇完呢個電影之後.我學到好多野,都係因為billy呢個主角.首先,我學到我地唔可以睇低自己.第2,我地要搵定自己既目標和興趣,x(唔識打)往直前.第三,我地要了解all人的內心.最後我希望d 學生既家長應該同意和鼓勵自己既子女做自己想做既野.

After I look a movie I learn many am wild, all 係因 is a billy leadFirst, I learn me not to be allowed to look down on oneself 2,th Iwant 搵 to decide the oneself already goal and the interest, x (doesnot know hits) toward advances bravely Third, I must understand theall person's innermost feelings Finally I hoped the d student alreadyguardian should agree and encourages the oneself already children dooneself wants to do wildly already
2007-05-29 2:23 am
After watching this movie,I learn a lesson. It is because of the main character Billy.Fristly,I learn that we should not overload ourselves. Secondly,we need to find our goal and interest and do the best of it. Thirdly,we need to know all in people's heart.At last,I wish that parents need to agree and support what the things that your children want to do.

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