
2007-05-28 9:42 pm


材料 : 米飯260克、蛋黃2個、青江菜50克、肉鬆30克、蘿蔔干15克、油20克。

1.蘿蔔干切碎炒香。蛋煮熟取蛋黃壓碎加入調味料拌勻後摻入米飯內 再拌和均勻,
將肉鬆、蘿蔔干各取 1/3為餡包入黃色的飯中做成飯糰。
再加入85克之米飯炒成翠綠色,炒好的飯包入肉鬆、蘿蔔干各1/3做 成飯糰。
將白色、黃 色、綠色三種不同顏色之飯糰排列於飯盒即得。

回答 (1)

2007-05-28 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Rice Ball Combo

Cooked white rice - 260g
Egg - 2 pieces
Baby Bok Choy - 50g
Dried shredded pork - 30g
Dried radish - 15g
Oil - 20g

1) Diced the dried radish, stir-fry it with oil, then put aside.
Get 2 egg york from 2 hard boiled egg, mashed & seasoning, then mixed well the mashed egg york with cooked white rice. Wrap 1/3 of dried shredded pork & 1/3 of dried radish with rice to make the yellow rice balls.

2) Cut the baby bok choy into big pieces, add salt to preserve for 20 minutes, then diced the baby bok choy and squeeze out exceed water, then stir-fry with oil until tender.
Add 85g white rice to the cooked baby bok choy, keep stir-fry them until they all mixed together. Then wrap 1/3 of dried shredded pork & 1/3 of dried radish with rice to make the green rice balls.

3) Wrap the rest of the dried shredded pork & dried radish with the remaining white rice to make the white rice balls.

Finally, arrange these 3 colour rice ball in the lunch box then it's all done.

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