"希望可以滿足年青人追趕潮流的心理" 轉成英文唔該

2007-05-28 7:31 pm
"希望可以滿足年青人追趕潮流的心理" 轉成英文唔該

回答 (3)

2007-05-28 11:34 pm
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Hope this can fulfill the youngsters who are after trends.

注: after trends 是追隨潮流, 非潮流之後.
參考: SELF
2007-05-28 7:56 pm
Hopefully it can satisfy the need of catching up the fashion for the youth
2007-05-28 7:39 pm
Hope can fulfill teeagers' wishes in staying trendy.
參考: Myself

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