
2007-05-28 7:14 pm
Chinese New Year is commonly know as the "Spring Festival" and it is celebrated as a family affair. The fes-tival begins with the New Moon on the 15th day of the new year, called the "Lantern Festival" . By tradition, the festivity underlines thanksgiving in honour of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors.

回答 (5)

2007-05-28 7:28 pm
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中國的新年一般被稱為 "春節" , 而且會一家大細咁慶祝
農曆正月十五日稱為 "元宵節"
傳統上 , 在節日中會感激及多謝 天地 , 守護家庭的神 和 祖先
參考: me~
2007-05-29 12:43 am
中國新年是共同地知道作為"Spring 的Festival" 並且它慶祝作為家務事。節日從新月開始在新年的第15 天, 稱"Lantern Festival" .由傳統, 慶祝強調感恩以紀念天堂和地球、家庭的神和家庭祖先。
參考: me
2007-05-28 10:27 pm
Chinese New Year is commonly know as the "Spring Festival" and it is celebrated as a family affair. The fes-tival begins with the New Moon on the 15th day of the new year, called the "Lantern Festival" . By tradition, the festivity underlines thanksgiving in honour of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors.

中國新年是共同地知道作為"春天的節日" 並且它慶祝作為家務事。節日從新月開始在新年的第15 天, 稱"中秋節" .由傳統, 慶祝強調感恩以紀念天堂和地球、家庭的神和家庭祖先。
2007-05-28 7:39 pm
Chinese New Year is commonly know as the "Spring Festival" and it is celebrated as a family affair.

he fes-tival begins with the New Moon on the 15th day of the new year, called the "Lantern Festival" . By tradition, the festivity underlines thanksgiving in honour of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors.
每年春節初十五,就是元宵節(彩燈節)。傳統上,這是祭天地、土地、灶君 (the gods of the household),及祖先的日子。
2007-05-28 7:20 pm

參考: 自己

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