account 問題,可以幫手嗎?

2007-05-28 1:45 pm
I need to correct the below errors by means of journal entries,?
2. the credit purchase of goods for resale from T.C. Wong for $2600 has been incorrectly entered in his account as $6600. (my ans: dr creditor-T.C.Wong $4000, cr suspense account $4000)
is there any problem in my answers? or u can give me anothers? 中文答案都無問題。

回答 (1)

2007-05-28 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your answer is correct.
Since T.C. Wong account is incorrectly and overstated $4,000, and there will be a suspense account. After you find out the problem, you can correctiy it by making the journal as your answer.

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