account 問題,可以幫手嗎?

2007-05-28 1:43 pm
I need to correct the below errors by means of journal entries,?
1. the acquisition of an item of office equipment for $34600 had been incorrectly treated as a purchase and debited to the purchases account. (my ans: dr office equ. $34600, cr purchases $34600)
is there any problem in my answers? or u can give me anothers? 中文答案都無問題。

回答 (1)

2007-05-28 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
基本上你既答案ok,不過唔知你學佐depreciation (折舊)未呢?如果學佐,你就要做埋depreciation,因為之前我地冇入到office equipment,咁計depreciation時一定會計少佐,所以做完你呢條entries後,你都要做埋呢條entries:

Dr. Depreciation - Office equipment (P&L)
Cr. Accumulated Depreciation - Office eqipment


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