很苦惱呀, 我IELTS 個分數低分過UE很多, 唔知claim 唔claim 錢好? (請隨意發表個人意見!)

2007-05-28 10:54 am
我係應屆大學畢業生, 上月考過IELTS, 由於prepare 不足及近年疏於練習英文, IELTS既分數強差人意, 只得5.5分, 這個分數的水平比我AL UE (Grade:D)差很多.

由於應屆畢業生可以apply reimbursement 去claim 晒全部考試費用($1100), 但要在transcript 上印上考過IELTS 的句子(不印分數), 前幾天我很衝動地在網上apply reimbursement, 後來才認真考慮自己的情況, 感到很後悔.
因為我快要搵工, 很擔心IELTS 這個分數會影響我找工作的成功率. 畢竟英文水平還是僱主聘請員工的主要考慮因素.

現在,我想請問大家知唔知道僱主會否看IELTS 分數看得很重? 這個分數會否令我很難搵工? 如果見工時讓interviewer 知道這個分數, 我係唔係好蝕底?

趁依家refund 既錢還未過數, 我應唔應該向有關方面cancel reimbursement? 有什麼途徑cancel?


請隨意發表個人意見! 謝謝你們的回覆和意見!

回答 (3)

2007-06-03 3:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is really depends on you whether you want to refund it or not.
But one thing did come out from my mum was the government bodies do look at their IELTS score really harshly ( at least a 6).
P.s: she is one of the interviewers this year for AO.

Try and practice your English + IELTS skills well after your final year exam
and be prepare to retake it in the summer.

what is your strongest and weakest area of ielts btw,, ?
2007-06-08 2:54 am
其實我諗印既位置都唔會太明顯...另外如果僱主好睇重或想測試面試者的英文水平,都可能用英文面試了,而不會單單只考慮ielts,再者我諗不少僱主都唔太清楚ielts的評分準則,所以,al ue既成績始終比較睇重...既然都申請了,也不要緊啦,或者咁樣可以推動你下年再努力考多次,加油啊
2007-05-28 1:43 pm
dont worry......i think LELTS is the not very important!!!!!!!
and i suggest you apply refund!

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