一篇英文文章 請求翻譯達人

2007-05-29 4:46 am
The Taipei Main Station , located in the Zhongzheng District in Downtown Taipei.
Taipei's public transport system MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), now also known as Metro Taipei, incorporates a light rail system based on VAL technology with its conventional metro. Both are currently undergoing significant expansion. Unlike most rail transport in Taiwan which follow the Japanese practice and have trains running on the left, the Taipei public transport system runs its trains on the right.
Taipei Main Station is the largest Taiwanese railway station and also functions as the nexus for the MRT system.
An extensive city bus system runs throughout the city to serve areas not covered by the MRT system. Sometimes buses require payment upon boarding, sometimes upon exiting. Many routes, due to their length, could require payment upon both boarding and exiting. Riders of the city MRT system are able to use their MRT passes on buses, making the bus system effectively an extension of the MRT system. The pass, known as an Easy Card, contain credits that are deducted each time a ride is taken. The Easy Card, Taipei's equivalent to Hong Kong's Octopus Card, is extremely convenient since it is read via proximity sensory panels on buses and in MRT stations, thus eliminating the need for the passenger to remove the card from his or her wallet or purse.
A quintessential form of transportation in Taipei (and much of Taiwan) is the ubiquitous motor-scooter, somewhat analogous to the motorcycles found in other industrialized nations. However, motor-scooters are not subject to all conventional traffic laws, and generally thread between cars and occasionally through oncoming traffic. A loophole in Taipei's motor vehicle laws ensures that in any accident between a motor-scooter and another vehicle, the other vehicle is at fault. For these reasons, scooters are perhaps the most convenient way for locals to navigate through their city.

回答 (4)

2007-05-29 3:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案

台北車站位於台北的鬧區,中正區。台北的大眾交通運輸系統MRT,也就是指台北捷運系統,它合併了傳統地下鐵道,基於 VAL 技術的輕軌鐵路系統。 這二項正是當下締造出的最主要的擴展。





有一種叫悠遊卡的卡片,內含點數每搭乘一次就扣點一次。悠遊卡就像類似在香港的Octopus Card,它非常的方便,在公車上和捷運車站上,卡片可在可感應的地方被讀取,因此,乘客便不需要再從皮夾或錢包把卡片拿出來了。


有一個現象是這樣:當一台機車和一輛車之間發生了任何交通事故,那一輛車則通常是被歸咎於過失的一方 ,這就是台北汽機車交通法規的漏洞。


參考: 自己+查字典+自己的常識
2007-05-29 5:36 am
台北主要部份車站,在市中心的台北位於 Zhongzheng 區域。
台北的大眾運輸系統捷運系統 (彌撒迅速的經過),現在也知道如都會的台北,合併用它的傳統地下鐵道被基於 VAL 技術的輕的鐵路系統。 兩者都現在正在接受重要的擴充。 不像大多數的鐵路在跟隨日本練習,而且有流逝的火車的台灣運輸那左邊,台北大眾運輸系統跑在右邊上的它的火車。
一個廣泛的城市公共汽車系統在城市各處跑服侍不是被捷運系統系統涵蓋的區域。 有時公共汽車在登機之上需要付款,有時一離開。 許多路徑,由於他們的長度,可以需要付款在兩者的之上登機而且離開。 城市捷運系統系統的騎士能夠在公共汽車上使用他們的捷運系統途徑,有效地作公共汽車系統捷運系統系統的延長。 途徑,像是一張容易的卡片,包含被扣除每次一次乘坐的信用被花。 因為它經由接近在公共汽車上和在捷運系統車站被讀知覺的儀錶板,容易的卡片,對香港的章魚卡片的台北的同等物,非常地方便,如此除去對乘客的需要把卡片從他或她的皮夾或錢包移開。
在台北 (和台灣的多處)的精粹形式的運輸是無遠弗屆的馬達-機車,略微類似的對在其他的工業化的國家中被發現的摩托車。 然而,馬達-機車是不依照所有的傳統交通法律,而且通常在汽車之間穿線於和透過接近的交通有時候。 台北的車輛法律的一個漏洞確定那在一個馬達機車和另一輛車輛之間的任何的意外事件中,另一個車輛出錯。 對於這些理由,機車是也許最方便的方法讓本地人航行過他們的城市。
2007-05-29 5:31 am
The Taipei Main Station , located in the Zhongzheng District in Downtown Taipei.
台北重要的車站就在城市商業區的 Zhongzheng District.

Taipei's public transport system MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), now also known as Metro Taipei, incorporates a light rail system based on VAL technology with its conventional metro.
台北公共的MRT現在就是稱台北捷運系統. 此系統利用了 VAL 技術及 light rail 的系統造就了此方便的台北捷運.
Both are currently undergoing significant expansion. 因此這些造就了很明顯的擴展.
Unlike most rail transport in Taiwan which follow the Japanese practice and have trains running on the left, the Taipei public transport system runs its trains on the right. 不象台灣大部份的鐵路系統是從日本進口並是左手的行駛方向, 而台灣公共運輸系統都是右手邊的行駛方向.

Taipei Main Station is the largest Taiwanese railway station and also functions as the nexus for the MRT system.
An extensive city bus system runs throughout the city to serve areas not covered by the MRT system.
Sometimes buses require payment upon boarding, sometimes upon exiting. 那公車上有時是上車收錢或下車時再收錢.
Many routes, due to their length, could require payment upon both boarding and exiting. 有很多路程因為它們的行程會需要上下車都要收錢.
Riders of the city MRT system are able to use their MRT passes on buses, making the bus system effectively an extension of the MRT system. 乘客可以使用台北捷運系統再用公車,使的公車更有擴展性.

2007-05-28 21:32:56 補充:
The pass, known as an Easy Card, contain credits that are deducted each time a ride is taken. 也有一種卡叫 Easy Card (悠遊卡), 就是可以先存一點錢在一次一次慢慢扣.

2007-05-28 21:34:06 補充:
The Easy Card, Taipei's equivalent to Hong Kong's Octopus Card, is extremely convenient since it is read via proximity sensory panels on buses

2007-05-28 21:34:13 補充:
and in MRT stations, thus eliminating the need for the passenger to remove the card from his or her wallet or purse.此 悠遊卡也等同於 在香港的Octopus Card, 非常的方便, 因為它既有靈敏的偵測, 也可以在公車及捷運系統內使用, 也可以使乘客少去從皮包中拿出來的便利性.

2007-05-28 21:34:21 補充:
A quintessential form of transportation in Taipei (and much of Taiwan) is the ubiquitous motor-scooter, somewhat analogous to the motorcycles found in other industrialized nations. 這

2007-05-28 21:34:29 補充:
典型的型式在台北也就是在台灣, 也就是非常 特殊的小輪摩托車, 也跟摩托車很類似 . 此也可以在其他工業城市可以找的到.

2007-05-28 21:34:37 補充:
However, motor-scooters are not subject to all conventional traffic laws, and generally thread between cars and occasionally through oncoming traffic. 但是小輪摩托車可以在迎面而來的車輛川縮.(有高手在翻囉 此段我翻的好像不太好)

2007-05-28 21:34:47 補充:
A loophole in Taipei's motor vehicle laws ensures that in any accident between a motor-scooter and another vehicle, the other vehicle is at fault. 磚在台北的摩托車及其它車種中會常有車禍或車子與車子間的糾紛. (有高手在翻囉 此段我翻的好像不太好)

2007-05-28 21:34:55 補充:
For these reasons, scooters are perhaps the most convenient way for locals to navigate through their city. 從這麼多理由中,小輪摩托車也許是在這城市中最方便的工具吧!
參考: 如果有高手可以再翻囉 我有幾段翻的好像不太好 那就多多指教了
2007-05-29 5:00 am
向(以)Zhongzheng District位於市區台北的台北Main站。
同時,現在作為Metro台北被知道的台北的交通機關係統MRT(大規模Rapid Transit)收割乘以前的地鐵基於VAL技術的輕軌道鐵路系統。 雙方現在,受到著重要的擴大。 與在台灣的大部分的鐵路運輸有差異,哪個,日本的習慣之後,打開列車用左面,台北交通機關係統開動使之跑右面的列車。
廣域城市巴士·系統,象對用MRT系統不被填補的領域有用一樣地在城市中變動。 時常,巴士把時常出的進入時候的時候的支付作為必要。 多的途徑說不定把因為那些的長度進入,出的時候的支付作為必要。 城市的MRT系統的騎車的人把能使用巴士上面的他們的MRT傳球,巴士·系統做為實際上MRT系統的擴大。 請包含被是傳球,作為Easy Card被知道,做上的情況的每次扣除的信用。 因為那個通過巴士上面,並且,MRT站的接近的知覺的面板被讀,Easy Card(香港的Octopus Card和台北的同等物)非常方便,那個結果,排除乘客從那個人的錢包或者錢包取下卡的必要性。
台北(so做,在台灣的大部分的)根本的形式的運輸在是普遍存在的兒童踏板車,其他的發達國家被發現了的摩托車多少類似著。 然而,兒童踏板車有時通過車和對面通行沒全部的以前的道路交通法,和有普通承接線。 由於台北的汽車法的可以穿過的洞穴,兒童踏板車另外的交通工具之間的在怎樣的事故中,也確實已經一邊的交通工具有責任。 由於這些的理由,踢板是恐怕本地通過他們的城市嚮導的最方便的方法。
參考: 自己

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