who are the dopes saying if the US leaves iraq, theyll follow us home?

2007-05-27 8:48 pm
the same dopes who said Y2K were last days for us all.

回答 (16)

2007-05-27 8:55 pm
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People with small penises.

Best to ignore them.

Eventually, a NASCAR race will come on, or they'll need to beat the wife or pay the Illegal Immigrants to mow their yard, and they'll find something else to occupy their attention.
2007-05-28 3:56 am

911 occured on our land even without us going overseas. Once the US troops leaves Iraq, enemy will be able to switch their focus from their homeland to our land. Isn't this obvious enough for you to understand?

Y2K wasn't a joke. If you have time, I suggest you do some research. You will see how many people spent countless amount of time preventing it from happening.

Before you call others "dopes", look at yourself first.
2007-05-28 3:57 am
y2k people were dopes the iraq people were telling the truth or did those 911 conspiracy movies actully have an effect on u
2007-05-28 3:59 am
you're right, all the terrorists in iraq now will put down their weapons and go back to college. some will become doctors, some lawyers. others will be stay at home fathers....typical work for ex terrorists. no, there is zero danger from these people at all. in fact, i'd let my children play in fallujah after the US pulls out, that's how safe i'm sure it will be.
2007-05-28 3:52 am
You're confused, Binky, but let me hep ya out:

Re: Iraq - Generally speaking, those would be Republicans.

Re: Y2K - Generally speaking, those would be Democrats.
2007-05-28 3:53 am
It's the dopes who think that Iraq is all about terrorism and Al Qaeda.

Shiite Death Squads and Sunni nationalist Insurgents will NOT come here! That's most of the problem!

I say let them kill each other. They're not worth a single drop of American blood.
2007-05-28 4:16 am
A civil war by definition is a war between two powerful groups of the same country. The Shia and the Sunnis are killing each other. It is Muslim vs Muslim of the same country, hence it is called a civil war.

Muslims have a reason to fear muslims of another sect more than Christians have to fear muslims. Alot more muslims are dying in Iraq than Christians.

If we stay the Shia and Sunnis will keep the blood bath going till someone wins or a truce is called.

If we leave the Shia and Sunnis will keep the blood bath going till someone wins or a truce is called but we wont have killed or maimed American soldiers. We will allo not be piling on a huge dept which eventually will come back in higher taxes. Oh no. The war will mean higher taxes? I did not know that. What idiot democrat started that war thing that means my taxes will go up?

The internet is full of infomation. Read BBC new, CNN news, Fox news, Al Jazeera news, etc. with an open mind and then decide what is really happening.
2007-05-28 3:56 am
No one is saying the Iraqis will follow us home. What you are 'hearing' is a distortion of words. Some of us unfortunately choose to go with distortions, exaggerate them and continue to misconstrue them even more. We all witnessed such distortions of truth when we were in grade school.
2007-05-28 4:01 am
Sorry, I couldn't get beyond "dopes". You might want to rephrase your question as a "dopes" question goes to a "dopes" mind.
2007-05-28 4:11 am
Let me explain it to you. The war in Afghanistan and Iraq caused the terrorists to commit money, material and personnel to those theaters. The goal of the terrorists is to set up new bases of operations in Iraq. If we pull out before the new Iraqi government is stabilized, they may well topple that government and set up another Taliban style government that would be terrorist friendly and have all the oil assets Iraq has for support.

By denying them Afghanistan and Iraq we keep them on the run. If we leave too soon and they take over Iraq, they will have the time, training bases and funding to reestablish their world wide networks. There are indeed sleepers here and everywhere but to carry out massive attacks takes resources that these cells are being denied. That is the primary reason there have not been any subsequent major attacks on our soil since 9/11.

These sleepers must now work to earn a living and expose themselves if they attempt to purchase any sort of weapons, explosives or chemicals in large quantities. The longer they are forced to do this the more likely they will be discovered. The era of large cash transfers from Osama are over.

Consider yourself briefed.

2007-05-28 4:03 am
I can't believe that there are people who actually believe that. What's going on now in Iraq is a civil war, and we're just caught in the middle.

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