Please Help me help my dog with her breathing?

2007-05-27 8:10 am
I just got her today and she's really sweet she's 10 weeks

and I named her justice. Her problem is when she sleep she breaths really fast and she has an eye infection are they related problem, Is her breathing a problem please HElP what should I do

回答 (10)

2007-05-27 8:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fast breathing isn't an issue unless it seems she is having a hard time breathing. If she feels fine when awake and her breathing doesn't seem labored, then don't worry.
If she is seeming to not feel well, or the fast breathing is accompanied by wheezing or choking sounds, then get her to a vet. The eye infection would not affect her breathing unless it is a reaction to the meds, but it doesn't sound like that's it.
2007-05-27 3:15 pm
You should call your veterinarian and ask they for adivce and make an appointment if it gets any worse
2007-05-27 7:18 pm
You need to take her to the vet. She shouldn't have been allowed to go to a new home with health problems.
IN some states tehre is a lemon law tht if a puppy is sold and found unfit for sale by a licensed vet you can do 1 of three things
1) return the pup and get your money back
2) return the pup and get another
3) keep the puup and attempt to cure up to the puprchase price
The eye I'm not so wrried about but if it's having breathing problems it needs a vet.
Good Luck
2007-05-27 5:12 pm
Like everyone says bring her to a vet ASAP. Well your there you might want to bring up the possibility of asthma and the eye infection. I'm not sure but the vet's could be as numb as Kaiser.
YES, I do go to Kaiser but they are *de-de-dee*.
2007-05-27 4:46 pm
you should bring her to the vet to do a check up,small puppiies are usually very weak,keep an eye on her .hope i helped
參考: i have a dog
2007-05-27 3:36 pm
definately check with the vet ASAP before it gets worse.
2007-05-27 3:20 pm
An eye infection is a job for a vet.

Dogs will have episodes of breathing quickly when they sleep. Watch your pup. If her feet and legs are twitching and her face is twitching, then what you are seeing is a "dog dream." Mine did this all of the time, and they can be hilarious. You'll hear growls, whines, squeaks, and on several memorable occasions I've had dogs break out into full cry as they chased their prey in their sleep.

Now is a very good time to take your pup to the vet. She's at an age that she needs immunizations against dog diseases. Talk what you're seeing over with the vet. He's going to check your pup over before he vaccinates it anyway, and he can tell you if there are any kind of health problems going on. Chances are, though, if she's only doing it intermittantly that she's chasing something that only exists in her imagination. And your dog's vet can tell you how to treat the eye infection while you're there.
2007-05-27 3:18 pm
Oh man that is awful I don't know if the two are related I doubt it but I don't know how do you know it's an infection maybe it is just an allergy my boxer that I just got had alot of eye snot coming out and it was nasty but the Vet said it is not an infection but an allergy

the breathing could also be an allergy but definately check with the vet and you may even ask him about giving your dog benadryl for the allergy if it is that

Good luck with your new puppy
2007-05-27 3:16 pm
If you just got her today, she needs to be checked by a vet! You will need meds for the eye infection, which the vet can give you, and he can help her with the breating. As long as it doesnt seem like she is completley stopping her breathing, just keep an eye on her and take her next week, as soon as you can. Some dogs breath fast, when they are dreaming...does she do this the whole night?
2007-05-27 3:15 pm
Eye infection should be seen by the vet.. When you get a new puppy or dog, you should always go into the vet and get a complete checkup. The breathing is likely just her sleeping and dreaming.

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