
2007-05-28 5:34 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-28 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
英國和法國的天氣相似. 7 - 8 月份日間最高氣溫可達 30 - 32 度, 但是乾爽, 少雨, 熱得來也算舒服. 但入夜後氣溫下降也快. 夜間時份約為 25 - 30 度. 但清晨只得 17 - 18 度左右, 小心著涼. 以巴黎來說, 夏天的日落時間約為 21:00 - 21:30 (晚上 9 點 - 9 點半) 左右
瑞士的天氣較涼快, 大約是按以下數據, 扣減 2 - 3 度左右. 日落時間也差不多, 約為晚上 9 點.
參考: living in Paris for a year before + travel experience
2007-05-28 6:53 am

for UK http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/ukweather/

try those links,

the temp is about 20C+ depend on is the sun out or not, all 3 places you go are big place, so check it out before you travel.

i will alway have a light jacket every where I go, day to night could be very differnet.

sun set about 8:00.

have a good trip!
參考: self and web
2007-05-28 6:06 am

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