pls help, which university in uk i should choose???

2007-05-28 3:53 am
university of reading
university of exeter
university of east anglia

among the above university, which one better lei???
my subject are all about banking, finance and economics

thx for your opinion ar

回答 (1)

2007-05-30 5:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007英國大學排名 (,,102571,00.html):
reading rank 31
exeter rank 28
east anglia rank 23

至於based on subject:
economics -- exeter rank 17
(其餘因為已經排名過20, 所以無ranking)

其實3間大學都不太出名, 如果真係要揀既, exeter應該都ok, based on ranking. 如果有更好既選擇, 或者你可以再揀下. 可能去搵個d英國大學advisor可以幫到你.
參考: 自己, 及

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