
2007-05-28 12:36 am
--for most of the past two and a half million years human beings left their garbage where it fell.
oh,they tidied up their sleeping and activity area,but that was about all.this disposal scheme functioned adequately because hunters and gatherers abandoned their campgrounds to follow game or find new stands of plants

回答 (2)

2007-05-28 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-05-27 17:17:39 補充:
在過去二百五十萬年裏 => 過去二百五十萬年裏的大部份時間

2007-05-31 08:58:42 補充:
已於 http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007052703336 的意見欄釋疑
2007-05-28 1:21 am
for most of the past two and a half million years 在過去了的約二百五十萬年中
human beings left their garbage where it fell. 人類遺棄了他們自製的遍地垃圾.
oh,they tidied up their sleeping and activity area, 人們雖學會了整頓自己的睡覺和活動範圍
but that was about all. 但也僅止於此而巳
this disposal scheme functioned adequately 這清理時間表能適當地運作
because hunters and gatherers 只因猟人和群衆
abandoned their campgrounds 放棄了他們駐扎的營地
to follow game 去遊玩
or find new stands of plants 或尋找新長成的植物

這段 paragraph 其實有點問題. 是打 game 的開場白嗎?

2007-05-27 17:25:27 補充:
上面那個尾段譯得很在行呀 ^^

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