Maths ( Problems in 2 dimensions ) ! Urgent !!

2007-05-27 11:58 pm
P and Q are two points 200 m apart on a beach running east to west ( P being west of Q ). Find the distance of a buoy B from the beach if the true bearing of the buoy from P is 050度 and that from Q is 020度?

回答 (3)

2007-05-28 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let PQ extents along the beach, there exist a point C to the east of Q where BC represents the shortest distance of buoy B from the beach.

Then BC / CQ = tan (90 - 20) = tan 70
BC = CQ tan 70 -- (1)

BC / CP = tan (90 - 50) = tan 40
BC / (CQ + QP) = tan 40
BC / (CQ + 200) = tan 40
BC = (CQ + 200) tan 40 -- (2)

Solving (1) & (2): get CQ = ??? -- (3)

Put (3) into (1): get BC!!

My answer: 87.9m
2007-05-28 12:32 am
**********************************buoy B******

=90度 - 50度

=90度 + 20度


=90度 - 20度

the distance of a buoy B from the beach
= the distance between buoy B and R

let the distance between buoy B and R be BR.
tangent 角BPQ = BR over PR
tan 40 = BR over PR
PR = BR over tan 40

tangent 角BQR = BR over QR
tan 70 = BR over QR
QR = BR over tan 70

因此 不用求PR和QR 就能找到BR

PR - QR =200m
(BR over tan 40) - (BR over tan 70) = 200m
BR = 200m over [ (1 over tan 40) - (1 over tan 70) ]

since tan X = 1 over tan (90-X)

BR = 200m over [ (1 over tan 40) - (1 over tan 70) ]
BR = 200m over [ tan 50 - tan 30 ]
BR = 325.52m (corrected to 2 decimal places)

參考: me
2007-05-28 12:20 am
let the distant be x
x/tan20 + x/tan50 = 200
(tan20+tan50)x/tan20 tan50=200
the distant is 55.76m

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