runescape tresure trail

2007-05-27 10:17 pm
i am a runescape member.what is tresure trail?i want get things in the tresure trail?plz help?how to do the tresure trail?

回答 (3)

2007-05-27 10:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我8年前(1999)開始玩runescape, 果時得1個Server, 而家已經無玩...不過, 我係節日都會on下攞獎品, 所以都仲可以幫到你少少....

treasure trail就當係....奇遇吧, 完成左就有獎品

treasure trail既起始係你要打怪既時侯汁到一張clue, 呢一張clue會引導你去搵一個npc, 一個地點等等

跟住你就要完成一連串既task, 由於唔同mission有唔同task, 我推薦你去官網既forum睇下
又或者係treasure trail搵一個specific mission睇下佢既簡介

clue-dropping npc 既地點請參考runescape官網 Location:Home > Manual > RuneScape Minigames > Treasure Trails
參考: 基本上, 識睇英文就可以做到^^
2007-05-29 2:28 am
Spelling mistake:唔係tresure trail,係treasure trail!


Enhanced Amulet of Magic (t) (same bonuses as normal version)
Berets (black, blue, or white)
Black Trimmed Armour
Black Gold Trimmed Armour
Black Heralded Shields (h1 through h5)
Black Heralded Helmets (h1 through h5)
Trimmed Blue Wizard Equipment
Gold Trimmed Blue Wizard Equipment
Bob The Cat Shirts (5 Logo colors)
Blue Elegant Costumes (Male and Female)
Green Elegant Costumes (Male and Female)
Red Elegant Costumes (Male and Female)
Emote Enhancers (modifies certain emotes while wearing)
Fire Lighters (5 colors)
Prayer Book Pages (Saradomin, Guthix, and Zamorak)
Highwayman Mask
Trimmed Leather Armour (Body and Chaps)
Gold Trimmed Leather Armour (Body and Chaps)
Purple and White Sweets (Stackable energy restorers with small hp boost)
Willow Composite Bow
Wizard Boots
Saradomin Vestments
Guthix Vestments
Zamorak Vestments

Adamant Trimmed Armour
Adamant Gold Trimmed Armour
Adamant Heralded Shields
Adamant Heralded Helmets
Enhanced Amulet of Strength (t) (same bonuses as normal version)
Boaters (5 colors)
Cloaks and Mitres (Guthix, Saradomin, and Zamorak)
Purple Elegant Costumes (Male and Female)
White Elegant Costumes (Male and Female)
Fire Lighters (5 colors)
Trimmed Green Dragonhide Armour (Body and Chaps)
Gold Trimmed Green Dragonhide Armour (Body and Chaps)
Prayer Book Pages (Saradomin, Guthix, and Zamorak)
Headbands (Black, Brown, and Red)
Purple and White Sweets (Stackable energy restorers with small hp boost)
Ranger Boots
Yew Composite Bow

Rune Trimmed Armour
Rune Gold Trimmed Armour
Guthix Armour
Saradomin Armour
Zamorak Armour
Gilded Armour
Rune Heralded Shields
Rune Heralded Helmets
Enhanced Amulet of Glory (t) (same bonuses as normal version)
Green Blessed Dragonhide Armour
Blue Blessed Dragonhide Armour
Red Blessed Dragonhide Armour
Trimmed Blue Dragonhide Armour (Body and Chaps)
Gold Trimmed Blue Dragonhide Armour (Body and Chaps)
Cavaliers (Tan, Dark Brown, and Black
Croziers and Stoles (Guthix, Saradomin, and Zamorak)
Enchanted Mystic Robes
Fire Lighters (5 colors)
Prayer Book Pages (Saradomin, Guthix, and Zamorak)
Magic Composite Bow
Pirate Hat
Purple and White Sweets (Stackable energy restorers with small hp boost)
Robin Hood Hat
Third Age Melee Armour
Third Age Mage Robes
Third Age Ranger Armour

treasure trail係mini-game
2007-05-28 4:44 pm
Tresure Trail is something for you to get more rare items.
You need to fight things and get the cules scolls.
You can get prizes when you pass any level of the trail.

There are games for you and you have to finish them all(You don't need to if you don't want prizes...)

If you don't know how to do the treasure trails, you can go to Go there first, then press mini games -->treasure trails *members.
You can find how to do it and what will you get.

Hope you can pass through every level of it and get every prizes before your membership days over.
參考: me,,

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