辭職問題 (notice)

2007-05-27 10:17 pm
已於一個月前遞交了辭職信, 理應已到了生效日期
由於公司有提議內部調職來挽留, 亦已口頭答允, 但並沒有把辭職信退回或丟掉, 又沒有任何書面通知這個協定....
1) 之前遞交的辭職信是否仍生效 ?
2) 如我要於半個月后必須離開此公司, 是否要再遞交一次辭職信 ?
3) 如是, 是否要補回半個月的薪金作為代通知金 ???

Thanks very much !!

多謝三位的答案.... 但, 我的問題是... 已於 5月4日遞辭職信, 信內所寫的最後上班日期為 5月25日 (不夠一個月, 因有6天半的大假), 但於上星期, manager 同我傾完並開出了挽留的方案, 亦口頭答應了...(但並沒有書面合約及退回我的辭職信) 到現在, 因某些原因, 沒辦法不辭去這份工作並要於 6月9日為最后上班日.. 我想請問是否需要重新遞辭職信並要補錢 ???? 哪之前的辭職信是否仍生效 ??? (公司合約訂明, 要一個月通知)

回答 (2)

2007-05-27 10:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-05-27 10:46 pm
the questions here are :
1) have you been transferred out? or
2) are you still working in same department? or
3) have you accepted the offered, i.e. transfer to other department?

If you have accepted the offered, by now you should have received a notice from the HR about the effective date of transfer and you probably got to go through another few months probation period in the new department.

If you are insist to resign, then you should consult the HR, do they require another resignation from you again as they need to calculate your salary etc. Normally HR won't ask the staff to compensate the Company, but for your case, you are advise to double check with HR dept.

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