
2007-05-27 8:32 pm
The picture represents a rectangular park.There is an equal-width running track around the park.Everyday,Charles run in the track.His running speed is 5km/h.It takes him 18 seconds more to finish running along the outer track than the inner track.

1)Find the running speed of Charles in m/s
2)Find the difference of the lengths of the outer track and the inner track.
3)Find the width of the running track

回答 (1)

2007-05-27 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 5km/h = 5000m/3600s = 1.39m/s
2) difference = 1.39m/s * 18s = 25.00m
3) let the width = a, length of inner path = x, width of inner path = y
2(x+2a+y+2a) - 2(x+y) = 25
a = 3.125m

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