Are there any side effects if you eat shark's fin soup?

2007-05-27 6:48 pm
Are there any side effects for eating shark fin soup?

回答 (2)

2007-05-28 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Indigestion is a possible side-effect. The protein of shark fin is difficult to digest. That is the reason why shark fin soup is served with vinegar.
Moreover, there is no scientific proof to support the health value of shark fin to human body that has all along been claimed by the Chinese.
I agree that eating shark fin will cast further pressure on the shark, an endangered species. So stop eating shark fin soup.
中國人一直相信魚翅有補身作用, 但至今仍未有科學證據.
吃魚翅可能引起的不適是消化不良, 因為魚翅比較難消化. 因此魚翅常和醋同吃.
同意樓上所說, 吃魚翅可能引致鯊魚絕種, 因此請停吃魚翅.
2007-05-27 6:57 pm
no,it is good for health but skark will endangered,so not always eating shark fin soup

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