香港邊間唱 k 多日文歌, thanks

2007-05-27 3:16 pm
請不要說 doremi, 因昨天去過正在內部裝修, 重開後是否仍是 doremi 也是未知之數,

red/green box 早前也去過, 那裡的實在太舊, 根本唔岩咀型...-,-

ceo 是有不少, 不過好像從不更新, 半年前後也沒變動...

neway 都是 ceo 旗下的, 相信有的歌也差不多。

j sound 25 都問過, 但實在太貴, (2人 $240 only 得一個鐘...)

所以希望可以有其它提供, 謝謝各位 !!!

回答 (2)

2007-05-28 1:36 am
✔ 最佳答案


2007-05-27 10:43 pm
i think only doremi ga ja
red box in mk new century plaza has some japanese song, but very limited, only has artists in avex like ayu, V6, takki & tsubusa etc...i think karaoke has the most no. of japanese songs ga la, although they are quite old

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