
2007-05-27 10:18 am

你個fd講左d咩大話呀?? 後尾點解又比入境?? 距地有無權力唔比你入境 嫁?? 如果唔比入境點算?


唔好意思.英文唔好,睇唔明.. 可唔可以講中文?

回答 (3)

2007-05-27 10:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
重要的是 -----當海關問你問題﹐你必需告訴海關誠實的回答. 因為加拿大十分憎恨遊客說謊. 大多數問: 何處居住﹖停留長短﹖任何朋友或者家人在加拿大﹖任何食物攜帶進入﹖ 顯示返回航程票﹐如果有朋友家人顯示他們的地址比海關看﹐(不允許食物進入﹐請不要攜帶食物)
有朋友(不是說英文)在海關回答有說謊﹐海關感覺暗藏危險. 海關請我的朋友去一間room﹐有講中文海關見﹐最後停留機場1夜晚. 我使$喊律師去保釋和解釋﹐那時確實害怕我的朋友不能入境嫁. 不說謊會OK.

2007-05-30 02:53:22 補充:
咩大話。。好似話有沒有任何朋友或者家人在加拿大。她話無﹐但又有我既電話在記事簿﹐其他唔係好記得 - 因為是請律師去保釋﹐所以都唔清楚. 最主要的是不掩藏事實告訴海關你的事實.

2007-05-30 03:12:16 補充:
咩大話。。好似話有沒有任何朋友或者家人在加拿大。她話無﹐但又有我既電話在記事簿﹐其他唔係好記得 - 因為是請律師去保釋﹐所以都唔清楚. 最主要的是不掩藏事實告訴海關你的事實.下列朋友摘要是說﹐在加拿大法律下﹐如果你來到會有任何損害加拿大法制﹐有參加恐怖份子﹐你會損害加拿大國家。。。等都不容許入境。 我稔無甘嚴重掛﹐去到加拿大移民和難民保護法
2007-05-30 12:32 am
Under Immigration and Refugee Protection Act(IRPA), only Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents and Aboriginals have the right to enter and remain in Canada. Immigration official in every countries have the power of disallowing a visitor to enter. This is true for Hong Kong and Canada also.

As a visitor from Hong Kong, you can have a maximum of 90 days in Canada visa-free. When you are interviewed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officer, you must answer all question truthfully or risk being detained and deported, or even be prosecuted under Canadian law.
As far as for reasons for not being admitted, under Section 34 (1) of IRPA
(a) engaging in an act of espionage or an act of subversion against a democratic government, institution or process as they are understood in Canada;
(b) engaging in or instigating the subversion by force of any government;
(c) engaging in terrorism;
(d) being a danger to the security of Canada;
(e) engaging in acts of violence that would or might endanger the lives or safety of persons in Canada; or
(f) being a member of an organization that there are reasonable grounds to believe engages, has engaged or will engage in acts referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).
All major international airports will have translator available in case you do not understand what the CBSA officer is saying. In any case, having sufficient fund, a valid passport and not having any contraband should allow you a safe passage through CBSA.

2007-05-30 03:59:47 補充:
*每國家移民官員有禁止訪客進入的權力當您由加拿大邊界服務處(CBSA) 官員詢問, 您必須真實地回答所有問題或冒險扣留和遞解, 甚至根據加拿大法律被檢控。 加拿大移民和難民保護法 不容許入境: 參與間諜活動行動,鼓動顛覆/顛覆民主政府行動、參與恐怖主義,是組織的成員,etc如果您不瞭解什麼CBSA 問題, 所有主要國際機場將有譯者可利用...。有充足的資金, 一本合法的護照和沒有走私應該能給您一個安全段落通過CBSA 。
2007-05-27 10:44 am
visa free access to canada for 3 months for hong kong citizens holding valid h.k.s.a.r. passport.

just make sure you fill out the immigration record card (provided onboard the airplane) correctly and do not bring excess alcohol and cigarettes, do not bring any food e.g. canned meat, fruits, dried seafood, basically there will be no problem to pass through immigration counter.

some people may bring along and show the immigration staff with the return air ticket and company issued vacation letter in case.

don't worry about the immigration staff, they are quite nice - just relax.
參考: i live in canada and travel frequently back to hong kong....

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