2007-05-27 8:12 am

1. 其實lv2 個syllabus 係點架?我完全唔識account架,可唔可以解答詳細少少。THX

2. PAST PAPER係咪一定要做?要係咪一定要係返個度買架?

回答 (2)

2007-05-27 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) LCCI Level 2 syllabus如下:
1. Partnership Accounts
2. Accounts for Non-trading Organization
3. Control Accounts & Suspense Accounts
4. Consignment Accounts
5. Manufacturing Accounts
6. Stock Valuation
7. Company Accounts
8. Branch Accounts
9. Incomplete Records
10. Bills of Exchanges
11. Treatment of Provision & Reserves
12. Calculation & interpretation of Accounting Ratio

(2) Past paper 一定要做,可去下列地點買:
LCCI International Qualifications Hong Kong Office
Unit 1105, 11/F, Emperor Group Centre
288 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
2007-05-27 8:32 am
你不如自修左lv 1先啦,

Lv 2 syllabus
1. Departmental accounts
2. Manufacturing accounts
3. Bills of exchange
4. Consignment accounts
5. Partnership Accounts
6. Stock, stock valuations and stock losses
7. Limited companies accounts
8. Accounting ratios
9. Sales and purchases ledger
10. Depreciation and disposal of fixed assets
11. Branch accounts
12. Incomplete records/ single entry
13. Non-trading organizations accounts
14. Error and the use of suspense accounts

LCCI 的past paper 一定要做,做多d 計數會快d, concept亦會更易記得。
參考: me

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