Homosexuality not allowed in the military?

2007-05-26 11:16 pm
i've always wondered, why aern't homosexuals allowed in the military? i mean, if women are allowed then why can't homosexuals be allowed? What's the difference; besides the fact that they sleep in different bunks, (i don't know much about the military so im not sure about how the different sexes are seperated if that).
and GO MARINES! =)

Well about the "would you rather have a guy saying you have a big thing or a women" answer; if you're not mature enough to handle a compliment from the same sex, you might as well go back to being a three year old.. and; about gay males bending over and doing it right there in the battlefield; then that's immature, too..But, im sure they'd go there to do their job, to serve and protect in the military despite their sexual desires; and i think any person no matter their sexual orientation whom would play around while in combat, ought to be shot anyway for doing such stupid things. About the "Don't ask don't tell" policy, i like that. =) Thank you for your answers, much appriciated!


Well about the "would you rather have a guy saying you have a big thing or a women" answer; if you're not mature enough to handle a compliment from the same sex, you might as well go back to being a three year old.. And the feminine issue, well..what about females joining the army? They're as feminine as it gets; and i know, many females are lots more tough than the norm percentage..you wouldn't see someone like Paris hiltion joining! and; about gay males bending over and doing it right there in the battlefield; then that's immature, too..But, im sure they'd go there to do their job, to serve and protect in the military despite their sexual desires; and i think any person no matter their sexual orientation whom would play around while in combat, ought to be shot anyway for doing such stupid things. About the "Don't ask don't tell" policy, i like that. =) Thank you for your answers, much appriciated!

回答 (22)

2007-05-27 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Gays are allowed in the military. So are women. Remember, you are not there to express your sexuality. Here are some of the things you are there for: 1. You are there to serve your nation. 2. You are there to take order from officers and NCO. 3. When ordered to do so: A. Kill B. Destroy or break things.
Remember you are not black, white, yellow, brown, men, women, or etc.., but GREEN. Unless your uniform is a different color. Then your are that color.
Let`s stay with don`t ask, don`t tell. It even worked in Vietnam, so I hear.
Or don`t join. It is still voluntary service. There still the Peace Corp.
I wish some politicians would also learn what the Military is there for. The military is not there to be police. Use the Military, go to War. Fight all the way or not at all.
2007-05-26 11:22 pm
No, thanks! I was in the Army, so I will say, "Go Army! Go Big Red 1 !" Any how, homosexuals ARE allowed in the military: the rule, under President Clinton, was: "Don't ask, don't tell!" Over the centuries they have served honorably and well. Just like any other ethnic, cultural, sexual persuasion, country of origin: there are good and there are bad: there are those who fight well, and those who don't.
參考: Real life, including military life
2007-05-26 11:35 pm
Most STRAIGHT guys Like Girls and don't mind serving along side them! On the other other activities are not allowed, is a dis-grace to the uniform. There is a Don't ask, don't tell policy. People generally don't like sexual harrassment of either genders. You could find yourself looking down the barrel of an M-16, by either males or females. Transgendered persons are not allowed either. Those Chromosomes don't change.
參考: Books: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire The Roman Legions by Parker
2007-05-26 11:20 pm
They are allowed in the military just not in an open state, if you will. Perhaps the day will come when everyone can be free to be whom they are in the open but for now forced closure is part of the deal for some in our society.
2007-05-26 11:29 pm
There are two reasons:1) They are a security risk. Their lifestyle is still frowned upon by a large percentage of the population, so they will want to hide their sexuality to some extent, wich opens them up to extortion by our enemies.
2) Their presence in a unit can breed feelings of discontent, fear, and lower morale. After all, being in the military is a sign of manliness, and having gays openly serve next to you will cause some to question their manliness.

Personally, since they used the second reason to argue against integration of the races, and then the sexes, I think it's stupid. But I think the first reason is still very valid and hard to argue against.
2007-05-26 11:20 pm
They are, they just can't tell anyone. The military has a "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. They wont ask your sexual preference and they expect you to fall in line and act like everyone else while you're there. If you're a "stereotypical" gay man then you'll be expected to tone it down and act like the rest of the guys, that's all.
2007-05-27 12:43 am
I don't understand that whole thing either. Quite honestly, I have had many friends that are gay. Both male and female. Not once has a gay female ever come on to me or made any sort of advances. I am straight and it has always been respected just as I have always respected them and their views. I do not think that any one would have to worry about someone else coming on to them in any situation let alone in the military.
2007-05-26 11:25 pm
I spent 22 years in the military and never wondered about it, not even one time.
2007-05-26 11:27 pm
Its a don't ask, don't tell policy. I honestly don't see the reason for it as long as they are not in a combat MOS. Like girls can't be in a combat MOS either. It has to do with being stuck in a small space for long periods of time (like in a tank)... that way people don't have sex with eachother... not that it doesn't happen because I am sure it does. But the military tries to prevent it by not putting potential sexual partners together. Hope that helped.
參考: Military Wife
2007-05-26 11:35 pm
Chain of Reaction

If you let the homos in, then you have to create seperate bunks so you'll have the womens, lesbos, homos, and men; 4 different bunks/double what we have now. And then theyll want to be able to married benefits because they have "partners" like seperation pay and extra BAH/BAS money and everything else. Theyd keep asking for this and that and It would go on forever.

The dont ask dont tell program is working ALOT better than that.

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