Rialto - Monday Morning 5.19
講星期日晚個男仔送jor個女仔返屋企之後,打電話畀個女仔,打到monday morning 5:19am都冇人聽電話,就懷疑個女人有第二個男人
At eight o'clock we said goodbye, that's when i left her house for mine. she said that she'd be staying in - well she had to be at work by nine. so i get home and have a bath, and let an hour or
Pass; drifting in front of my tv, when a film comes on that she wants to see.
It's monday morning 5:19, and i'm still wondering where she's been, 'cos every time i try to call i just get her machine. and now it's almost six am, and i don't want to try again, 'cos if she's
L not back then this must be the end.
.at first i guess she's gone to get herself a pack of cigarettes, a pint of milk, food for the cat, but it's midnight now and she's still not back.
It's monday morning 5:19, and i'm still wondering where she's been, 'cos every time i try to call i just get her machine. and now it's almost six am, and i don't want to try again, 'cos if she's
L not back then heaven knows, what then, is this the end?
At half past two i picture her in the back of someone else's car - he runs his fingers through her hair... oh you shouldn't let him touch you there!
2007-05-29 18:08:12 補充:
James Blunt You're Beautiful
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y7WDWP8WMs&mode=related&search=個男仔響地鐵見到個女仔,但個女仔同另一個男仔一齊,於是佢有一個plan:特登行近個女仔,誓要令個女仔望到佢,仲要感到佢的愛意,終於佢得到四目交投的一刻;歌詞說,即使不再遇見,they "shared a moment that will last till the end"lyrics: