
2007-05-27 5:49 am
d人話無可能打到999999分,但係我真係打到999999分wo=口=.之後問人地我會有咩,但係佢地唔信= =仲趕我走=口=,其實係咪真係有野嫁?

(我係個光道果度勁射隱z,一個100000= =,一定有嫁=口=)

回答 (1)

2007-05-27 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
It have, but they didn’t do it, so they didn’t belive you. Never mind   about them, or you can bring them to play and did it to them. Good Qrestion.And it have 100000 points too.They said can’t do 999999 points but you can call them(your friend) to try.  
參考: me!

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