什麼是 log ??

2007-05-27 3:50 am
可唔可以介紹下 log

回答 (2)

2007-05-29 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
我們知道 10^2 = 100,10^3 = 1000
反過來說,10 的多少次方是100 呢?10的多少次方是1000呢?
由於 10^2 = 100,因此我們說:log 100 = 2
簡單來說,log 就是「次方」的相反,正如加是減的相反一樣。

log 其中一個用處就是把很大的數字 "scale down",用一個小的數字來代表,方便描述或使用。

例如地震的強度與地殼震動所產生的能量有關,但這些能量的大小往往是10的 8 - 9 次方,在日常生活中,我們很難用那麼大的數字去把這個強度告訴其他人:「這個地震的強度是 10 的 8 次方…」因此便有「黎克特制」的出現,就是利用 log 把這些數字「縮小」,讓人易於描述。
2007-05-27 4:23 am
In mathematics, a logarithm (to base b) of a number x is the exponent y of the power by such that x = by. The value used for the base b must be neither 0 nor 1 (nor a root of 1 in the case of the extension to complex numbers), and is typically 10, e, or 2. The base-b logarithm is usually written as

When x and b are further restricted to positive real numbers, the logarithm is a unique real number.

The function [logb(x)] depends on both b and x, but the term logarithm function (or logarithmic function) in standard usage refers to a function of the form logb(x) in which the base b is fixed and so the only argument is x. Thus there is one logarithm function for each value of the base b (which must be positive and must differ from 1). Viewed in this way, the base-b logarithm function is the inverse function of the exponential function bx. The word "logarithm" is often used to refer to a logarithm function itself as well as to particular values of this function.


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