幫我作一篇去日本既英文文章 ( 250up )

2007-05-27 3:32 am
thx a lot

我不是抄 只是參考



回答 (3)

2007-06-16 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My parents had promised me to bring me to one of the most exciting city in Asia to visit: Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Thus, last Chinese New year holiday, they finally bought three air ticket and brought me there. We finally took
almost four hours to fly from Hong Kong to japan.
We arrived at Narita International Airport (NRT)成田國際機場 around midnight. Since the foreigner sitting next to me said that we must go to Tokyo tower to visi, I was very curious what is so special about the tower. So after checking in the Grand Hayatt Hotel to unload our baggages, we got a map from the hotel counter and waited for the hotel shuttle bus to take us to the tower.
The tower is free for visitor to tour. The customer service representative told us that
it's the highest independent tower in the world. this tower was a well known landmark for tokyo because people can see whole view of the city there. Onr thing I felt a little boring about the tower is that it caouldn't turn by itself.

It was dinner time. We were all hungry and stopped by one hawker restarurnat to eat the local sushi and japenese rice cake. While sitting in the street, we observed many people crossing the road. I was so surprised that the Japanese people are so obedient to the road regualations: even the youngster don't run on the road. This is what I think the Hong Kong people should learn from them. Because the food there in Japan is so expensive, we left the restaurant still feeling hungry.

Immediately, we pulled out our cup-nooldes from our baggages. This is the only time I felt the the instant noddles are tasty!!!

Second..try the Sushi...it's the freshest sushi i have ever eat.. and there are many malls, department stores....if u want to buy somethings with a lower price...i remain you all remember to go there in March and July...their goods must be cheapen in this two months every year..
The next two days, we went window as the things were so expensive. Although we didn't buy much in Japan, I felt that it was worth it because I could see how environmental protective the Japanese were. The Japanese women often carry a bag with them when they went to the supermarket. Seldom so they ask for plastic bags. It's so stange that the supermarket actually doesn't charge people for using plastic bags but the people could behave themselves.

Three days passes. Before i arrived Hong Kong, I was excited to eat Chinese food and watch Hong Kong local TV program. This trip makes me love HK more.
2007-06-11 5:18 pm
如果你想作日本一日遊, 可參考以下重點:

1) Describe places you have visited in Japan
2) Go with whom? Friends? Family?
3) Have you buy anything?
4) Any unforgettable memory?
5) Are you recommending others to go?

希望可幫到你 ~
參考: 自己
2007-05-27 3:40 am

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