
2007-05-27 3:12 am
why many people buy cowhide?

回答 (4)

2007-05-27 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案

cowhide可以tan成leather(每塊1gp)同hard leather(每塊3gp)兩種,係al-kharid個tanner同crafting guild (crafting lvl 40或以上同著埋brown apron先可以進入)2樓可以tan到cowhide。

而f2p(唔俾錢玩)嘅玩家可以用leather同hard leather做下列嘅物品:
(crafting lvl)
lvl 1: leather gloves
lvl 7: leather boots
lvl 9: leather cowl
lvl 11: leather vambraces
lvl 14: leather body
lvl 18: leather chaps
lvl 28: hard leather body (用hard leather)
參考: 小弟既經驗
2007-06-01 4:32 am
they want to up crafting lv
they want to earn money by making studded body,chap,coif(member only)
(non-member can make normal leather armor)
你可能在yahoo search
Global Runescape Crafting Guide

2007-06-02 12:44:10 補充:
2007-05-27 8:30 pm
train crafting lvls

using cowhides:
Leathers,hardleaders.etc.are made by cowhides

making different leathers:
In al-kharid,there is a people in a house(the sign is a clothe).He will help you make leathers(need to pay coins).

make leather stuff:
Use needle to leather(or whatever types of leathers).
2007-05-27 3:19 am
To crafting!!
If you are a member, you may earn a lot of money

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