
2007-05-27 2:54 am
How to get mind talisman?(即係用來做mind rune 個樣)

回答 (3)

2007-05-27 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實,我都唔太知點會即刻有。不過,你可以試下kill嗰D man/woman,可能kill 完會出現左既,你都可以去嗰D general shop 度買架(而我嗰個mind talisman係突然出現,所以我就pick起左)...
參考: 自己既經驗
2007-05-29 3:38 pm
kill monster can get this
2007-05-27 3:22 am
First, Kill wizard get the most high chance to get talisman
Sec, Kill imp and other monster to get it, but the chance will lower.
Thrid, The most convient way is to buy from store or to the player, but the prize may be a bit higher.....

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