
2007-05-27 2:10 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-27 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
先看看頭暈的還有沒有知覺,是不是清醒。如不是就要檢查呼吸及心跳怎樣?若沒有呼吸心跳或而陷入昏迷狀態,就馬上進行C.P.R (即心肺復甦法)。若當時人還清醒,只感頭暈,就繼續讓他躺在地上 (用復完臥式)。
2007-05-28 7:15 am
1) check the wound and see if there is any foreign object in it
2) if not, check sensation, motion and circulation before and after bandaging

頭暈: (must call ambulance and send the child to hospital for detailed check for insurance)
1) check response
2) maintain, clear and protect Airway
3) do CPR if no RR and pulse
if both RR and pulse present and alert:
4) rapid body survey to find out if there is any others injury
5) take vitual sign ( RR, pulse, B/P, temperature)
6) ask the feeling of patient
7) SAMPLE.. S= sign and syptom, A= allergies, M= mediation, P= past history, L=Last meal, E= even( how did it happen)
8) secondary survey to find out the others problem in detail
if have RR and pulse but unresponse
9) maintain and protect the Airway until ambulance arrive
** since this case is a head tramua and the chief complain is 頭暈, so we need to aware of the spinal and avoid move the patient's head and try to maintain the position as dicover**
參考: I am a first aider

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