急: financial management 一問

2007-05-27 12:41 am
The project will make use of some existing machinery owned by company which was otherwise to have been sold for $1.5 millions. It will further require new machinery and other inital outlay cost in total $12 million net of tax relief.

若要計npv 的時候, 1.5 millions 需要加12 millions 嗎? 即 13.5 inital outlay.
還是在最後一年將scrape value 減1.5million 當作opportunity cos去計npv 呢?

The project will make use of some existing machinery owned by company which was otherwise to have been sold for $1.5 millions. 不是說project 會用此machine, 若不做才賣嗎? 如project用的話, 那 inital outlay 是12million嗎?那if npv > 1.5 = will accept project, npv<1.5 , not accept project 不知我這樣想法是否對的?請指教again.謝

回答 (2)

2007-05-30 9:55 pm
opportunity cost is the cost forgone
2007-05-28 10:21 pm
計npv 的時候, 1.5 millions 需要加12 millions ,因為若果你不選擇該project,你就可以即時售賣舊機械,並且即時得到$1.5million。既然該成本是「即時」的,你就要在今年包括在成本了。

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