
2007-05-27 12:38 am
拜託幫忙! 謝謝! (想向英語會話班導師請假)


你好! 我們的小朋友是逢星期二5:15pm-6:15pm跟你學習英語會話的一組,經過我們家長一起商量後,我們一致希望在暑假17/7-31/8期間,暫停英語會話班(共七堂)。在新學年的九月份一切恢復正常!這個安排也許給你帶來不便,在此,謹先致歉!懇請你體諒和接受我們的要求。請你在考慮後,以電郵回覆我們﹐謝謝!

電郵地址......... 英語會話小組家長上

回答 (3)

2007-05-27 2:42 am
Dear English conversation teacher:

Hello! Our child is meets Tuesday 5:15pm-6:15pm to study English conversation with you a group, after passing through our guardian discussed together, we identically hoped in summer vacation 17/7-31/8 period, suspends English conversation class (altogether seven halls). Restore normally in new school year's in September all! Perhaps this arrangement brings to you inconveniently, here, makes an apology first sincerely! Requests earnestly you to forgive and to accept our request. Invites you after the consideration, replies us by the email , thank you!

Wishes the life to be happy!
Email address .........On English conversation group guardians
2007-05-27 1:21 am
Oral Teacher:
Hello! My children are the ones attending the lessons on Tuesday 5:15pm-6:15pm. After the disscussion between the parents , we all think that between 17/7 - 31/8, stop seven oral lessons.
It is normal in the new school year . Sorry for the new arrangements. After your thinks , please reply as throughe - mail. Thanks!!
Hope to see you soon!
e-mail address ............................Best Wishes
Oral group students' parents
2007-05-27 12:55 am
Dear Name(老師名字):

Hello! Our children is currrently studying a course(English Speaking) with you every tuesday 5:15pm to 6:15pm. After discussion, we've decided to cancel seven classes from July 17 to August 18. In the new school year, which is starting from September, it will continue on as usual. Sorry for your inconvenience! Hence, thank you for accepting our request. Please reply via email if you have decided, thank you!

From the parents of the English Speaking Class

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