
2007-05-27 12:34 am
近日電腦開機時無端端出現以下訊息,跟著部腦就入唔到window 98。點解會咁,部腦裝了還原精靈,還原都未能解決問題,我懷疑是硬件出現問題,但不知邊部份,希望各位幫幫手,入面D野還未back up,有冇辦法解決。謝謝!

While initializing device 108:windows protection error.You need to restart your computer.

回答 (4)

2007-05-27 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
While initializing device 108:windows protection error.You need to restart your computer.

This thing say your computer have some problem in your operating system,to solve this problem you have two choose:

1,If you have a CD which is use to revert your computer,you can use it to revert your computer.

2,If you cannot revert it or do not have that CD,you need to buy another computer or take it to the computer shops to revert it.

Hope I can help you!
參考: Myself
2007-05-27 1:01 am
Storage device 108 is a computer storage media internal to computer 102. Storage device 108 can be, for example, a magnetic disk such as a hard disk, an optical disc, a solid state memory device such as a Flash memory device, and so forth. Although only one internal storage device 108 is illustrated in FIG. 1, computer 102 may alternatively include multiple internal storage devices 108.

你重用緊win98, 咁你部機都有番咁上下大年紀. 借此機會換機喇.
參考: freshpatents.com
2007-05-27 12:38 am
2007-05-27 12:36 am
去computer shop

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