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Extinction risk
Humans are the tiger's most significant predator, as tigers are often poached illegally for their fur. Many Indian tigers' parts find their way to China through Tibet, where it is widely used for making traditional costumes.
Because of this, at the Kalachakra Tibetan Buddhist festival in south India in January 2006 the Dalai Lama preached a ruling against using, selling, or buying wild animals, their products, or derivatives. The result when Tibetan pilgrims returned to Tibet afterwards was much destruction by Tibetans of their wild animal skins including tiger and leopard skins used as ornamental garments. Time will show whether this causes a thankfully needed long-term slump in the demand for poached tiger and leopard skins.
Also, their bones and nearly all body parts are used in traditional Chinese medicine for a range of purported uses including pain killers and aphrodisiacs. The use of tiger parts in pharmaceutical drugs in China is already banned. China has also made certain offences in this connection punishable with the death penalty. Poaching for fur and destruction of habitat have greatly reduced tiger populations in the wild. A century ago, it is estimated there were over 100,000 tigers in the world; now numbers are down to below 2,500 mature breeding individuals, with no subpopulation containing more than 250 mature breeding individuals.