Proof reading (2)

2007-05-26 7:56 pm
many students have problems with learning english. let me to try to discuss
this with you,first,U need to learning english actively but avoid forcing
yourself to memorize all the sentence patterns with out understand them.after
have learn some new words or sentence patterns,try to use them in speaking
OR in writing.U can make sentences as interesting you can,so you will be able to




回答 (2)

2007-05-26 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
many students have problems with learning english. let me to try to discuss
(let 之後要用bare infinitive,不可用to-infinitive,所以是let me try...)

this with you,first,U need to learning english actively but avoid forcing
(need之後用to-infinitive,所以是 need to learn)

yourself to memorize all the sentence patterns with out understand them.after
(with out應該是一個字without,而因為without在這裏是介詞,後面要跟動名詞或名詞,所以是without understanding...)

have learn some new words or sentence patterns,try to use them in speaking
(have learn是現在完成式,learn要用過去分詞,所以要用learnt或learned:have learned(learnt) some new words...)

OR in writing.U can make sentences as interesting you can,so you will be able to
(as interesting you can,as...as是片語,所以這句子漏了一個as,應該是:as interesting as you can)

2007-05-26 12:16:03 補充:
remember them more easy,besides,reading a newspaper is another way (reading a newspaper不需要有a,這裏reading newspaper是用了動名詞,是指看報章;並不是看一份報章)to be improve your writing skills quickly.try to select some pieces(improve要用主動式,因為是你自己去改進,並不是被改進,所以是:to improve...)

2007-05-26 12:16:23 補充:
of interested news every day and study the sentence patterns in them.think (interested news是指有趣的新聞,並不是感興趣的新聞;要用present participle作形容詞,所以要改為interesting news)

2007-05-26 12:20:09 補充:
deeply why they used in articles and then practise using them in your(they used是它們用,但真正的意思是:為甚麼它們會被用於,所以要改成:why they are used...)

2007-05-26 12:20:22 補充: time goes by,you can use different sentence patterns correct(correct是動詞或形容詞,在這句的correct是修飾use,所以要用副詞,correctly,因此,這句應改為:you can use different sentence patterns correctly)

2007-05-26 12:28:05 補充:
對唔住,這句的easy要改做副詞easilyremember them more easily,besides,reading a newspaper is another way (reading a newspaper若你指的是:看一份特定報章,reading a newspaper也可以,但通常會寫reading newspapers(因為不會限制看甚麼報章)

2007-05-26 12:29:25 補充:
記得reading newspapers要用複數形,之前我漏了s

2007-05-26 13:56:05 補充:
have a problem with sth/sb INFORMALto find something or someone annoying or offensive:I have a real problem with people who use their mobile phones on the train.She can smoke - I don't have a problem with that.(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
2007-05-26 8:31 pm

1. many students have problems with(in) learning english. let me (to) try to discuss
2. this with you,first,U(you) need to learning(learn) english actively but avoid forcing
3. yourself to memorize all the sentence patterns with out(without) understand them.after (What's more) YOU
4. have (to) learn some new words or sentence patterns,try to use them in speaking
5. OR in writing.U(you) can make sentences as interesting (as) you can,so you will be able to

In the 1st line:
hv problem IN doing sth(在學習"中"遇上問題, 所以用in)

In the 2nd line:
"you" rather than "u"
to之後係既verb 係唔會用-ing form , 要係normal form

In the 3rd line:
用what"s more 好過用after...指再者;而且

In the 4th line:
have 之後個verb 要轉做Past Participle Phrase, -->have learnt; 如果唔想轉, 就要加個to 在have後面, (to之後係既verb 係唔會用-ing form , 要係normal form)

In the 5th line:
"you" rather than "u"

1. 儘可能;愈...愈好
Come as soon as possible.

make sentences as interesting as you can: 在你的能力內將句子做得愈有趣愈好
參考: yahoo字典,my knowledge

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