有cover letter一問

2007-05-26 7:30 pm
大家我,想問cover letter可否用point-form write?
如果不可用point-form,那正確的cover letter應怎樣寫???

回答 (2)

2007-05-26 11:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
NEVER Point - form!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a Cover letter Template

Your Name
Your Address



Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

I am writing in reply to the (classified ad) seeking to fill the position of (Customer Advisor) . My edcational background and work experience make me a good fit in this position.

I have been awarded (the degree of Master of Arts from XXXX )so I understand the need for (academic advisement) and (program planning) . I have also (experienced, first-hand, cheeful and reponsible. )

In my past working experinece as a (student advisor), I gained the knowledge of (communciating with a diverse clientele) and (handling the complaints). I am pleased to work in a team and able to be work overtime.

With passion for (customer service industry), i would be appreciated if you could grant me an interview. I look forward to discussing how my skills can be of value to a reputatble company as yours.

Yours sincerely,

Your Name
Enclosure: resume
2007-05-26 8:46 pm
本人覺得 cover letter 最好唔好用 point-form write, 用整段文字去表達會好些, 你可參考以下資料, 再加上自己的資料修改


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