這句中文,我想轉做 ENG, WHO CAN HELP ME AR?

2007-05-26 7:43 am

回答 (6)

2007-05-26 9:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since this Sunday will be my grandmother's funeral, so I will not be able to attend the examination. I would like to request to reschedule my examination on another day. Please advise your decision. Thanks for your consideration.
參考: Myself
2007-05-26 7:45 pm
This Sunday is the day that a maternal grandmother carries a coffin to the cemetery , because fail to attend the examination in person, so want to want to see separately that carry on the examination in one day in person, ok?
2007-05-26 11:16 am
I regret that I have to serve the last respect to my grandmother on her funeral ceremony the sunday( 2007-05-27, my examination date too). Kindly endorse an alternate date for me to retake the examniation.
serve the last respect 是出席葬禮(主家用serve, 訪客用pay)
grandmother 不分或外婆,但平輩卻有不同叫法(brother是兄弟,brother in-law 卻是襟兄弟),長輩和後輩卻少有用in-law而照用相同叫法。
sunday (days in a week) 等卻是全小楷字,月份卻是January大小楷。小學有教。

2007-05-26 03:18:50 補充:
小心採用this sunday, next sunday , coming sunday。老外是以sunday作第一天計算,星期六是week-end。

2007-05-26 03:20:34 補充:

2007-05-26 03:23:07 補充:
上文中the sunday 應有括號(the sunday 2007-05-27, my examination date too)

2007-06-11 16:29:50 補充:
re-schedule是必要用hyphen(-)。Please advise your decision有語病。
參考: for 40 years experience with foreigners
2007-05-26 10:17 am
As I am attending the funeral of my grandmother this Sunday, I am not able to attend the examination on that day. It would be nice to arrange an examination on another day. Thanks for your concern.
2007-05-26 8:01 am
Due to my grandmother's funeral this Sunday, I am unable to attend the examination. Therefore, I would like to seek the possibility of a postponement of the examination concerned.
2007-05-26 7:47 am
As it is my grandmother's funeral on Sunday, I will not be able to attend to sit for this examination. Would it be possible to arrange another day for the examination? Many thanks.

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