
2007-05-26 7:05 am
the accounts of A Barnes,G Penny, F Time and M Wardle dult balanced at 31 May

呢條問題要我開4個t account


回答 (2)

2007-05-26 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
你條題目得咁少野, 好難好明確咁講你聽
因為你要知道到底個4個人係debtor 定creditor, 係你問佢借錢 定爭緊你錢
e.g. 你問A借錢, A就係creditor, B問你借錢, B就係你既debtor
if 係debtor 的話, 個balance 就係debit side (左面)
if係creditor的話 個balance 就會係credit side (右面)
我指係balance down個陣
參考: 學過
2007-05-26 7:09 am
是否做他們的分錄.. 題目可否詳細點

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