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2007-05-26 6:27 am

回答 (10)

2007-05-27 12:11 am
Micheal Jondon is a great basketball player ,his skill has changed the history of basketball and make the ball-playing world wonderful.Also,success of him make a lof of peolpe more and more love the basketball
參考: me
2007-05-26 7:37 pm
Michael Jordon was a greater basketball player. He was so skillful that he even changed the history of basketball - made this activity more popular. Nowadays, people are more enthusiastic at playing basketball because of Michael Jordon.

2007-05-26 11:42:28 補充:
Michael Jordon was a great basketball player. He was so skillful that he even changed the history of basketball - made this activity more popular. Nowadays, people are more enthusiastic at playing basketball because of Michael Jordon.sorry...=.= didn't prove read.
2007-05-26 7:10 pm

Michael Jordan, one of a greatest basketball players. His performance & technician of skill made a major change of basketball history, he made this sport being full of fun & made basketball games getting more popular nowadays.

MJ 忠實fans.
MJ 退休後我有多年不看(無興趣看)NBA. 至今還未有MJ代替品.
參考: SELF.
2007-05-26 6:20 pm
Michael Jordan is a great basketball, his basketball skills so he changed the history of basketball, the football sport enlivened, His achievements this is the result of the growing popularity of basketball people.
參考: me
2007-05-26 1:15 pm
Michael Jorden is a great basketball player. He created a new page in the basketball history. Due to his success in the basketball-ball-playing world, more and more people love this sport.

Remark: I found this line "他的籃球技術令他改變籃球歷史" weird, as no one can change the history, but creating a history.
參考: myself
2007-05-26 10:30 am
Michael Jordan is a great basketball player. His sophistication in playing basketball changes the basketball history and it makes the basketball world brilliant. Due to his accomplishment, many people are more fond of playing basketball.
2007-05-26 7:40 am

Micheal Jondon is a great basketball player ,his skill has changed the history of basketball and make the ball-playing world wonderful.Also,success of him make a lof of peolpe more and more love the basketball
參考: 自己write架!!! 唔昆架!!!
2007-05-26 6:41 am
Micheal Jondon is a great basketball player ,his skill has changed the history of basketball and make the ball-playing world wonderful.Also,success of him make a lof of peolpe more and more love the basketball
2007-05-26 6:41 am
Michael Z is a bignessbasketball player.His basketball technic make the basketball to change and make the ball-playing circles very (唔識串).So,his accomplishment make many people like playing basketball.
參考: 自己write架!!!
2007-05-26 6:39 am
Michael Jordan is a remarkable/great basketball player.His skills helped to change the history of basketball and gives colour to the field of basketball.And his achievements continue to turn (有'令現在的'的意思)people into basketball lovers.
參考: 自己

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