(20+) 廣東麻雀有冇得食七對子?

2007-05-26 6:11 am
廣東麻雀有冇得食七對子, 門前清, 青龍 同埋 綠一色 ?

咩呀 ..... 台灣牌 16 隻點食七對子呀 ?

回答 (3)

2007-05-26 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
七對子, 門前清, 青龍 同埋 綠一色 are china style i believe
but Hong Kong style has 門前清 too = someone call it 不求人
青龍 i believe is 清一色 in stick only and 1 - 9 make it 青龍.
綠一色 is stick only with 發 = HK's 混一色
But Hong Kong style has no 七對子
參考: Memory from playing MJ with my Shanghai friends.
2007-05-26 8:43 am
廣東麻雀就沒有。但Game Boy和電腦麻雀就可以有你所講的湖食。
2007-05-26 6:23 am

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