
2007-05-26 6:09 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-26 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-05-27 3:14 am
2007-05-26 7:11 am
I think you'd better not to adopt a dog now. I know you like dogs, but you really love dogs? I also like dogs, but I don't adopt dogs because I know that I do not have enough time to take care of them. Why your parents not allow you adopt dogs? They hate dogs? They think that you are not mature enough? They think that you do not have enough time to take care of dogs? Your family members are allegic to animal hairs? If your parents do not resist dogs, SHOW them that you are a responsible person, and promise them that you will take care of the dog all the times: always play with it, take it to have a walk, feed it, clean the house, do not give it up when it is troublesome, and take care of it when it is sick. However, it takes time, be patient.
I don't know what your age is, but if you are old enough, you can apply to be a volunteer in 愛護動物協會 at this moment, you can contact this assoication by phone for details. You can learn how to take care of dogs by this way. Maybe later, your mind may change, or your parents' minds may also change because of your behaviour. I know that you want to adopt a dog because you want to be more happy, but if you insist to adopt a dog now, it will damage the relationship between you and your parents, you would not be happy also, and your dog will suffer. You must know that a good relationship with your family members is also very important. Think about this issue again when you get older. If you really love dogs, I think you have the ability to adopt a dog one day.

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