what criteria people base to judge the thing right or wrong?

2007-05-26 2:33 am
what criteria people use to judgment which thing is right and which thing is wrong? is it right if something are benefical to the society except self-interest?what are the reasons that when most people accepting something always can be the right thing? is it a contradition that the most people are ignorant?

回答 (2)

2007-05-28 12:40 am
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what criteria people use to judgment which thing is right and which thing is wrong?
Conscience is the way to judgment the right or wrong thing. This is Socrates (蘇格拉底) view and he also believed the reason why the people do things wrong is that they do not recognize what is the right, and that's the reason why people have to learn. Scocrates believed the ability to justify right and wrong hides in our rationality.
is it right if something are beneficial to the society except self-interest?
For the generalization, the benefit to society is greater than yourself, e.g. in the emergnecy situation, we prefer to save people even sacrifices ourselves. It is grand and respectable for a person who can do things before concerning the benefit of society, however, that's the difficult thing to do since people may overcome their desire.
what are the reasons that when most people accepting something always can be the right thing? is it a contradition that the most people are ignorant?
Not all things beocme right when most people believes. For instant, most people believed that the earth was the centre of the universe and the sun ran around the earth in the past. Until Galileo proved the planets move around the sun by using the telescope in 16 century.
Normally, the thing is right because many people trust it. However, sometimes maybe exception. People usually don't deliberate and investigate it thoroughly, especially the information technology are excessive in our life. It is the simple now that people relayed erroneous message.
Mark Twain said,"What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so."
For the contradiction, it is exsitent if the truth they believed is wrong, but i don't think all guys are ignorant. As Socrates's said, we can justify it by our rationality. We should arouse our rationality to criticize and appraise all things we learnt.
Nevertheless, not all things we can justify the right and wrong. Sometimes it is no answer for us.
參考: self knowledge
2009-01-03 4:47 am
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