
2007-05-26 2:18 am
我在一上市入左1萬股$8 .23,點知依家跌到$7.82,



回答 (4)

2007-05-27 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
里昂報告, 按8.2元計算, 佢07年市盈率已達42.3倍, 故不建議於8.2或以上追貨
麥格理亦報告, 予佢跑嬴大市評級, 12 個月目標價為8.07元; 短期有望升至9.75

可以keep住, 等9.5才走
2007-09-12 9:18 am
今日俾人托高, 未開市已經有大手買入, 而家九個四毫六, 賺咗啦, 先放, 會再跌番。不過呢隻股平均成交量唔多, 小心走唔到。
2007-05-26 3:33 am
I agree with 小丑魚's analysis about 1880. Do not hold.

However, I do not agree with his/her selling strategy. I suggest selling all 1880 at 10:30am on Monday if it is going down from 10:00am to 10:30am. But if it is going up, then push up your stop-loss for every percent up until it drops.

Anyway, your buying price $8.23 is not too bad, no need to blame yourself... Greenspan is the only person to blame! If he did not say anything, 1880 would FRY toward $9.3 before dropping! Can he just shut up forever please?!?!

P.S. I got 12000 shares from IPO, and sold all of them at $7.88 already...
2007-05-26 2:40 am


今日遇正跌市, 跌勢因而較急. 如下周一一開市反彈上$8邊即走, 否則可能走唔切又再跌過.情況就分分鐘會好似隻中信1616或中信銀行咁, 一日低過一日.

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