Can 同 is / are going to點樣分

2007-05-25 10:24 pm
Can 同 is / are going to應該點分呀?唔該可以可寫個point出黎,唔洗好大篇野嫁,,唔該哂-口-

回答 (3)

2007-05-25 11:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
is/are going to 針對講"預測"同"安排"

用途1: link our prediction to the present in some way
e.g. It is going to rain. (根據現時的情況, 作出預測)

用途2: telling someone about an arrangement which has been made
e.g. I am going to drive. (告訴別人你的安排和決定)

Can 針對講"能力", 准許", "可能性"

用途1: express ability
e.g. I can do it. (=I am able to do it. 我能夠做到.)
e.g. How can they be rich? (=How are they able to be rich?)

用途2: express possibility
e.g. You cannot help having feelings for someone. (= It is not possible for you to prevent yourself from it.)
參考: Cambridge出的 "Exploring Grammar in Context" & 自己的理解
2007-05-25 11:12 pm
1. (表示能力,功能)能,會
2. (表示可能性)可能,可能會
3. (表示允許,請求)可以
4. (表示命令)必須
5. (表示偶然發生的可能性)有時會
6. (表示驚訝)究竟;竟至於

is / are going to
1. 將要
2007-05-25 11:03 pm
==>I can submit this project before the deadline.
Is / are /am going to=將會/將要(有好大既可能會)
==>I am going to find some jobs

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