Working ? Full Time Degree ? Part time Degree?

2007-05-25 10:18 pm
or 繼續做野+Part time U 呢?


先多謝Monchhichi的意見 我都係咁唸 但我有d已有degree的朋友 佢地話full time 大學生活的得著多好多 so 我有點[由疑] thx


多謝ktstjc 查實我先21 無家庭負擔? 本來無 但我居企唔鐘意女仔讀太多書 佢地寧願比我細佬 (但佢根本唔鐘意讀+亦有案底) 所以我先自己供自己讀埋個AL So 我唔知點揀好 因就黎AL 放榜 thanks

回答 (2)

2007-05-25 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我會選擇繼續做野+Part time Uni..


1.> 一邊工作, 一邊修讀有關工作上課程..

2.> 有收入..可減輕交學費的壓力..

3.> 可能半工讀會好辛苦..但會好充實..

2007-05-25 16:49:18 補充:
2007-05-27 8:15 pm
If I were you, I would keep working and take a part-time evening degree programme. In fact nowadays if you do have solid experience and not just a fresh graduate, it doesn't make a big different whether you were studying a full time or part time mode. Additionally, if you are not a graduate yet, but now earning 10K + 5 days work, it's quite a good deal indeed. Do you know how much does the Hong Kong fresh graduates earn? According to the research, 70% of the fresh graduates are just earning around 9K~10K. Why would you want to take this risk to quit the job and go back to the school as a full time student again?

However, I don't know if you are thinking about going back to the uni in Hong Kong or overseas, if you are going to study aboard then personally I would say "Yes", go for it and you will probably gain a lot, such like learn bette English, more independant, see more different things and meet more people from the other parts of the world. But, if you are going back to the school in Hong Kong, then you'd better not to. Actually I was graduated in the U.K., I don't really know what the "culture" like in the unis in Hong Kong, but nowadays you can see all those horrible and ridiculous news in Hong Kong, what are the uni students doing here? I doubt if someone said you can "gain" a lot as a full time student here! What can you get?

Anyway, make up your mind and try to find out what you really want, and remember, as someone just said, if your financial status is affordable, then just go for your heart, do something what you really want. You said you are 20 something years old, it never be "TOO LATE" to do a degree, have you ever watched the news in the past few weeks? Some old ages went back to Lingnam Uni to take an Associate degree, they all over 60 years old, and an American lady just got her first degree a couple weeks ago and she is aged 85! But finally, in my own opinion, you mentioned "開心的工(同D同事夾)" it shouldn't be a consideration for yourself whether you are going back to the uni or not. As those colleagues who you are getting on very well with, they are not going to work there forever, are they? If you stay with this job because of this reason and forget about to go back to the uni, then you'd better not, as you may regret for it when they leave. Try to think more about your future, what you really want to do.

Good luck.

2007-05-27 12:21:02 補充:
By the way, if you do not have your first degree, you'd better don't try to get a master degree, as the recognition is very very low. And I wonder what's wrong with graduate at aged 29 or above?
參考: Self-opinion

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