
2007-05-25 8:15 pm

回答 (1)

2007-05-25 11:26 pm
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Use scenes
When you publish a Flash document that contains more than one scene, the scenes in the document play back in the order they are listed in the Scene panel. Frames in the document are numbered consecutively through scenes. For example, if a document contains two scenes with ten frames each, the frames in Scene 2 are numbered 11–20.

To stop or pause a document after each scene, or to let users navigate the document in a nonlinear fashion, you use actions.

Display the Scene panel
‧ Select Window > Other Panels > Scene.
View a particular scene
‧ Select View > Go To, and then select the name of the scene from the submenu.
Add a scene
‧ Select Insert > Scene, or click the Add Scene button in the Scene panel.
Delete a scene
‧ Click the Delete Scene button in the Scene panel.
Change the name of a scene
‧ Double-click the scene name in the Scene panel and enter the new name.
Duplicate a scene
‧ Click the Duplicate Scene button in the Scene panel.
Change the order of a scene in the document
‧ Drag the scene name to a different location in the Scene panel.

In this example, the global gotoAndStop() function is used to move the playhead to Frame 1 of Scene 2. If no scene is specified, the playhead goes to the specified frame in the current scene. You can use the scene parameter only on the root timeline, not within timelines for movie clips or other objects in the document.

on (release) {
gotoAndStop("Scene 2", 1);

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