徵求保險中介人考試(iiqe)past paper1,2,3,5

2007-05-25 7:09 pm
請問有冇iiqe past paper for paper 1, 2, 3 and 5? 如有,可否email to "[email protected]" or download from any website? many thanks!

如果靜係溫study notes夠吾夠呢?

Many thanks!

回答 (2)

2007-05-29 10:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
you can e-mail to me.

[email protected]
2007-05-29 8:15 pm
Hi Tweety,

I don't think studying notes by yourself will be enough. If you really wanted to 1 take pass, you need to take some course. I can help you enroll to some course that is free of charge. Please feel free to contact me if you needed.
My email and MSN is: [email protected]


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