There is / There are?????

2007-05-25 6:47 pm
1. 請問呢條題目係用 is/are?
There (is / are) a pen, a pencils and a ruler on the desk.

2. 請問呢句句子在文法上有無錯呢?
2.Next to the chair, there is a school bag on the floor, a pencil case and a book are on the floor too.

回答 (3)

2007-05-25 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為 a pen / a school bag系單數.

2007-05-25 10:51:50 補充:
1. = 改用are.. 因為剛睇錯... 後面仲有a pen a pencil ruler.. 唔只一件2. = 改用are.. 因為剛睇錯... 後面仲有a school bag pencil case book

2007-05-25 10:53:15 補充:
2. = 改用are.. 因為剛睇錯... 後面仲有a school bag pencil case book 唔只一件總而言之, 你以後做功課時, There 後面用is or are 系要睇個第件數目. 非常簡單的.

2007-05-25 10:54:10 補充:
放心, 肯定正確!!

2007-05-25 10:58:43 補充:
2.Next to the chair, there (is 不正確, 應用ARE) a school bag on the floor, a pencil case and a book (are是多餘, 請取消) on the floor too.

2007-05-25 11:01:30 補充:
更好寫法系 :Next to the chair, there are a school bag, a penicl case and a book on the floor.too = 可以唔用. 但如果系之前嗰個人有講一啲相關嘅嘢都可以用.i.e. Next to the chair, there are a school bag and a penil case on the floor. Besides, there is a book on the floor too.
參考: my knowledge (我啲英文算唔錯)
2007-05-25 7:14 pm
1.問: 請問呢條題目係用 is/are?
There (is / are) a pen, a pencils and a ruler on the desk.

答:There is a pen,a pencil and a ruler on the desk.
例: There is a girl and two boys.
There are two boys and a girl.

2.問: 請問呢句句子在文法上有無錯呢?
Next to the chair, there is a school bag on the floor, a pencil case and a book are
on the floor too.

答:有.there is ... a book are on the floor too.


2007-05-25 7:05 pm
"Is/are" 是現在式,前者為單數,後者為眾數,以題目1為例,因前者是"a pen",所以用"is",而後者是"a pencila and a ruler",因為有超過兩樣物件,所以為眾數,要用"are"。但請注意,"pencils"是不會用量詞"a"的,所以這句文法上是有問題的。


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