How do I say I love you?

2007-05-25 3:43 am
I've been friends with this guy for 13 1/2 years. He is my best friend and I have fallen in love with him. I have tried to tell him but I don't know how. We don't get to see each other much anymore but we are still close. I'm afriad of loseing my best friend if I tell him how I feel. I don't know if he feels the same but every time I talk to his familey they want to know why arn't we dating yet and they always say he likes me like that but I don't know if they are telling the truth. He was my "boyfriend" in Kindergarden to 3rd grade. Then I moved. He hasen't had a girlfriend since i've moved. He is on track and football, cute and popular. What should I do?

回答 (10)

2007-05-25 3:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
most people when they have had friends for a long period of time they tend to fall in love. if you do want to tell him how you feel just start asking him if he has ever fallen for one of his friends. but don't act hurt if he doesn't say its you. and if he does then tell him how much you love him. but if you are gonna tell him it will best for you to do it at a quiet place where the two of you are able to talk, and tell him you've felt and why you didn't want to tell him sooner. i wish you the best of luck with him.
2007-05-25 10:49 am
very simple, just say it, because if you let time pass is gonna be late and he might find someone else.
2007-05-25 10:48 am
say it because if you dont he might move on to another girl and then it will be to late you should do it even if you might break up your friendship because if not it might ruin your life
2007-05-25 10:46 am
Say, hey well i still want to be friends even if you say no but will you go on a date with me its fine if you say no!
2007-05-25 10:46 am
Just say, "I love you" like, really loud.
2007-05-25 10:45 am
say honey I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
2007-05-25 10:45 am
Just Do It
2007-05-25 10:51 am
I think you should tell him how you feel because you can never know if something good can come of this. And it's also very hard to find someone you truly love. But if you want to say 'I love you', there isn't a way to say it. If you feel it, just let them know.
2007-05-25 10:50 am
when your talking to him and theres like a lot of talkin between your two you should say it lol that way itll surprise him
2007-05-25 10:50 am
with your voice.

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